jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Pijamasurf a great website

Surfing in the web I found the "Pijamasurf", this is a “news” webpage about very interesting themes; science, philosophy, neurosciences, futurism, photography and other odd themes. This webpage is “alternative” because their themes are forgotten in other conservative news webpages about currently, economics and disasters.

Pijamasurf is a entertaining webpage because show the sciences news from distant places and were explain very interesting experiment about, for example, the mind, the culture and the psychology. In addition this webpage speak about personages of the past; poets, philosopher and writers that I wish had knew and I can download their books from this webpage.

I visit “Pijamasurf” all the weeks, because I love read about the experiments and see photography exhibitions, for example the winner photograph in the “National Geographic Competition”; a photograph exhibition very impressive, with photographs from all the world  about animals, people, wars, and love.

In conclusion the pijamasurf webpage is a very interesting and varied news page and I think you  will like it.

1 comentario:

  1. I just visit the website you suggest but I find that is mostly about pseudoscientific themes. I'm very skeptic so I don't believe everything the people, the articles or the authorities said. However, I must admit that I laugh with some titles of the articles on this website, maybe I'll use it to have fun sometimes. I recommend you this website: cracked.com. It's fun and informative at the same time (;
