jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

contribute with the change

Today I write about an ambition that I have for the future. I study psychology for one reason; I think that the persons can change the world but, before the persons should feel comfortable with yourself. I think that achieve this ambition is very difficult, but will be more easy if we begins with the children.

So…  In the future I wish work in the schools, because I think that the children are the future of the world.  My ambition is work in many schools with vulnerable kids and teach a new form of see the life. I want an educative community where the children learn about the life in a new way and where everybody can express your potential.

I'm inspired in this topic because I study in a poor school and my classmates are very limited for the system, the education and the way of the think the world. I have the fortune to have parents that support me. I wish can assist the children that haven`t the support or the possibilities that I had.

I like achieve this ambition because I like work with children and I believe is a form of change the world.

3 comentarios:

  1. Wow!! Change the world is a very difficult task, but I think that We have to help with ours way of behave :)

  2. I think like you, the children are the future, I think than this world will not change and if we want a best world, we must make a new world. Your ambition is wonderful, would be great that more people think like you :)

  3. Its a really nice dream. Surely you will be a great educational psychologist
