jueves, 25 de abril de 2013

a specially picture

       Today I will write about a photograph especially for me.
       I like the photography, I have a half-professional camera and when I have free time I took photographs about anything…although I never show my photographs…  Maybe, I have a frustrated dream: be a professional photographer
       The photograph that shows today is very special for me because I took the picture in a nice family moment in holidays. The picture doesn't show my family and me, but the picture makes me remember this moment; I and my family in a good trip with wonderful places.
        I took the photograph at the summer when my family and I travelled to the south of Chile and part of south of Argentina, specifically in the path frontier with Argentina… I don`t remember the name of this path but is a rarely used for the travellers.
       I like this photograph because I took in specially moment, because all in my family like it and because I think that is a very beautiful picture, show a nice place with magnificent colours!  I love the colours of the picture! 

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

contribute with the change

Today I write about an ambition that I have for the future. I study psychology for one reason; I think that the persons can change the world but, before the persons should feel comfortable with yourself. I think that achieve this ambition is very difficult, but will be more easy if we begins with the children.

So…  In the future I wish work in the schools, because I think that the children are the future of the world.  My ambition is work in many schools with vulnerable kids and teach a new form of see the life. I want an educative community where the children learn about the life in a new way and where everybody can express your potential.

I'm inspired in this topic because I study in a poor school and my classmates are very limited for the system, the education and the way of the think the world. I have the fortune to have parents that support me. I wish can assist the children that haven`t the support or the possibilities that I had.

I like achieve this ambition because I like work with children and I believe is a form of change the world.

jueves, 11 de abril de 2013

Pijamasurf a great website

Surfing in the web I found the "Pijamasurf", this is a “news” webpage about very interesting themes; science, philosophy, neurosciences, futurism, photography and other odd themes. This webpage is “alternative” because their themes are forgotten in other conservative news webpages about currently, economics and disasters.

Pijamasurf is a entertaining webpage because show the sciences news from distant places and were explain very interesting experiment about, for example, the mind, the culture and the psychology. In addition this webpage speak about personages of the past; poets, philosopher and writers that I wish had knew and I can download their books from this webpage.

I visit “Pijamasurf” all the weeks, because I love read about the experiments and see photography exhibitions, for example the winner photograph in the “National Geographic Competition”; a photograph exhibition very impressive, with photographs from all the world  about animals, people, wars, and love.

In conclusion the pijamasurf webpage is a very interesting and varied news page and I think you  will like it.

jueves, 4 de abril de 2013

About me

Mi name es Cristina Sánchez... I am from San Felipe city but I now living in the Santiago city because I`m studying psychology at the university of Chile. The psychology is  very interesting and varied, The psychology has many areas...

Now I have a english class and I should write a blog a long of this semester. I wish learn english because is  a very important language... but is very difficult for me!...