When I
entered to the university... my best friends too, but in other careers, other
universities and other cities... those years were sad for me, because I missed
to my friends. The life is hard sometimes and I think that the most hard is
living away from yours friends and family.
The real
friends remain in the time. And now, I have old friends and new... who's my
best friend? I don't know! Every person in my life has a different role... I
think that in this moment the person most important for me is Jorge. He is a
fantastic person, is really good and I think that he understands me always. He
has thirty years but is a little boy inside... and i like it.
I met Jorge
the last year, in September, and instant liked your way for be. Our personality
is very similar; introverts, quiet, and a bit lunatics. I think that our major
difference is our way for see the world. He lives... as if He can live for
always! And I think that I can die tomorrow! So He is very patient and... I am
very impatient.
I like all
about Jorge; your personality, your kindness, your way to be... I like that He
is an amazing father and your preoccupation for all persons... I love your
lunatic personality and your humor...
we go to eat and walk for the city, other times He comes to my house...
I think
that my best memories are with Jorge... in the park, in my house, with he every
moment is specially
beautiful friendship =)
ResponderEliminarI have a friend thirty years too. Although he is much more mature than me, we are good friends, because we share many tastes.
Is very sad that friends they separate, but in your case some returned to you
ResponderEliminarIs not easy to separate from our people close, but is good to you could reencontrate with Jorge :)
ResponderEliminarI also consider that the real friends remain in the time.
ResponderEliminarMy friend and I have life very differents in this moments, but the friendship don't dieds. I hope you are very well with your friends
ResponderEliminarI hope you can meet with your friends someday, don`t be sad, friendship is forever.