jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Blogging experience

            Hello! Today I will talk about my experience written a blog for the English class.

First, I should tell you that I don´t like the English language… I don´t like that the world obliges me to learn English! But… write a blog it´s a funny way of learn.
              I like the blogs since forever! I have blogs since I have internet, so I think that it’s an interesting way that know about different topics. In this opportunity, with my English blog, I have a good experience, I think that is a very way for interact with other persons that learn English too.  The positive about this experience is that I can have a blog, write in English, read other English blogs and know about my different classmates; yours likes, your live and other things…
              I think that the negative about this experience it’s that I never knew if I made a good work or a bad work with my blog =(  I only written about different topics but up to now I don´t know what things I wrote good and what things I wrote incorrect.

              In brief, I think that a blog is a great learning tool; it’s an experience that can contribute with the learning about different topics and different ways. But I consider that for this experience was a better, is necessary that the writers have a feedback about your work each week. I think that with a constant feedback we can write better each week.

5 comentarios:

  1. I agree with you Cristi, I really believe to write a blog is a good way of learn, But always if you have feedback ;)

  2. hi, i think that too, our experience writing in this blog contribute in many aspects, for example in the feedback with our classmates

  3. you have all the reason, is completely necessary to have a constant feedback in this kind of activities

  4. I agree with you about that one negative point is that we unknown if the post is good or bad.

  5. HI: I have a similar idea about the blog... This activity liked me and I think that was very funny... But I never think about of feedback and i think that is necessary too!
