jueves, 27 de junio de 2013

A place to eat

I am back!
The day’s topic is “A place to eat”

I am from other city and this summer I travel to Santiago for find a department for living. In the center of santiago there many advertisements about department in sale. But is a lie! all is had selling! I had walked very much and I lost... then... I see a small restaurant food of peru. I was tired and hungry so I entered

I never had  ate peru's food. And... wow! is very delicious! is the better food that I eat in my life! really... I don't have words for describe those taste! Sometimes when I am hungry I remember this food and suffer =(

You remember that I said that I was lost when I discovered this restaurant? This is the problem! I don't remember where is! I know that is in Santiago center, between "plaza de armas" station and "Santa Ana"... and I remember that in the restaurant have a wall painted with paint of chalkboard and had written the name of  places of Perú.

 I wish go again. If you see a place with this feature, don´t doubt in enter! The persons are very polite and the service is good... the food is exquisite and is very cheap, I recomend the ceviche and the sandwiches!

9 comentarios:

  1. ese plato es exquisito!!! y el lugar es bastante típico de la ciudad, pleno centro de santiago.

  2. The Peruvian food is delicious, i want to visit that place, good recommendation

  3. never before i tasted that food, but looks delicious

  4. Yours story is very anecdotic, I Hope that you achive find it and you enjoy that taste again!

  5. peruvian food is exquisite, I am a grateful that every day more foreigners come to install restaurants with food from your country *-*

  6. Hi! Yes... My best friends is of Perú and when I was around 11 years old I ate the peruvian food... Is really good, but this food have many dressing and you can find sick... regards!!

  7. I love peruvian food is the tastes are amazing! Regards!

  8. That ceviche looks amazing! It is a great story. It will be my mission to try to find that restorant when I got to the center and let you know :)

  9. I love the peruvian food. Do you know the restorant Aji Seco? The peruvian food of this place is delicious!
