sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

My presentation; The Educational psychology


The last Thursday I made a presentation for my class about the Educational psychology. I was very nervous! But finally I talked of my topic.

I chose talk about the educational psychology because I think that this is a discipline that can contribute in different ways to education. I think that the kids and your education should be a priority because, given than they are the future of the world, they can change the world for good.

The educational psychology is an area in the psychology responsible of the learning process and the developmental process in the kids of the school. In the developmental process are implicated many factors that have an impact in the child´s potential and in consequence in the future development process as an adult. The educational psychology utilized your knowledge for help to this processes in consideration the existing dynamics of the school and your problems; work conditions, mental heal problems and different limits that confront the school in relation with the central administration and educative system

In a beginning, my topic was too long! I wrote my presentation with many points and important things. I liked much my topic and I wrote more than I could remember in addition when I practiced I taken long time speak all the presentation, then I decided cut some points. I think that I cut out very important information and in addition I forgot add the conclusion! If I make my presentation again, I will include a short conclusion and some points that I don´t considered before.

I find this topic is interesting because the educational psychology is an area that can contribute at the society and always is important learn different ways of contribute since our discipline to the world.

4 comentarios:

  1. I prefer the Juridic Psychology :)

  2. I like very much educational psychology. You did a good presentation :)

  3. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  4. You did a good job in your presentation!! also the topic was very interesting. This field of the psychology is beautiful
