jueves, 2 de mayo de 2013

A funny song


Today I will write about a song that like me currently. I love the music but I don´t understand nothing about it... I listen a song only when I feel that this is a suitable song for the moment... Sometimes I don´t listen music for weeks because I don´t find the song indicated for my animic state.

I pay atention at the words of the songs, maybe for this, my favourite music is in spanish... sure I begin listen music in english for practice for the next auditive test!

Today I will talk about a  very funny song! The song's name is "Me Amo" and is of the spanish band "Love of lesbian". This song talk about a person with much self-love! is a few ironic but very entertaining. I don´t remember the first time that I listened this song but sure that I smiled when I listened this lyric... is very entertaining!.

Maybe this song is not representative the music that I listen always, but I think that is a song for share.  The song is about a person that love himself and He think about the great person that is... He is divine person! and now nobody can´t hurt to he, because he is loved for himself. I think that this song is for a person that  broke with your boyfriend or girlfriend and need be encouraged, is a terapeutic song! when the persons mourn for the lost relationship They should sing " I  love me. You can't hurt me! I´m a divine person!" with this happy rhytm.

I like this song because is hilarious and happy and always can cheer up me.

8 comentarios:

  1. :o thanks for to share this song!! I like it, i felt a few sad but your song encouraged me :)I am agree with you is a terapeutic song!

  2. jjajaaj terapeutic . this song is a joke!

  3. jajaa it is a very funny song!! I like it :)

  4. Hi: This song is very funny and I didn´t know... Always is good know new groups and songs. Thank you and regards

  5. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  6. I consider myself very ignorant about music in spanish. I'm going to put a real effort to know it better. Also I'll listen carefully the song you chose. Regards.

  7. I think it is really funny. Great lyrics. I am going to show it to a couple of friends.
