jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Blogging experience

            Hello! Today I will talk about my experience written a blog for the English class.

First, I should tell you that I don´t like the English language… I don´t like that the world obliges me to learn English! But… write a blog it´s a funny way of learn.
              I like the blogs since forever! I have blogs since I have internet, so I think that it’s an interesting way that know about different topics. In this opportunity, with my English blog, I have a good experience, I think that is a very way for interact with other persons that learn English too.  The positive about this experience is that I can have a blog, write in English, read other English blogs and know about my different classmates; yours likes, your live and other things…
              I think that the negative about this experience it’s that I never knew if I made a good work or a bad work with my blog =(  I only written about different topics but up to now I don´t know what things I wrote good and what things I wrote incorrect.

              In brief, I think that a blog is a great learning tool; it’s an experience that can contribute with the learning about different topics and different ways. But I consider that for this experience was a better, is necessary that the writers have a feedback about your work each week. I think that with a constant feedback we can write better each week.

viernes, 12 de julio de 2013


When I entered to the university... my best friends too, but in other careers, other universities and other cities... those years were sad for me, because I missed to my friends. The life is hard sometimes and I think that the most hard is living away from yours friends and family.

The real friends remain in the time. And now, I have old friends and new... who's my best friend? I don't know! Every person in my life has a different role... I think that in this moment the person most important for me is Jorge. He is a fantastic person, is really good and I think that he understands me always. He has thirty years but is a little boy inside... and i like it.

I met Jorge the last year, in September, and instant liked your way for be. Our personality is very similar; introverts, quiet, and a bit lunatics. I think that our major difference is our way for see the world. He lives... as if He can live for always! And I think that I can die tomorrow! So He is very patient and... I am very impatient.

I like all about Jorge; your personality, your kindness, your way to be... I like that He is an amazing father and your preoccupation for all persons... I love your lunatic personality and your humor...

Sometimes, we go to eat and walk for the city, other times He comes to my house...
I think that my best memories are with Jorge... in the park, in my house, with he every moment is specially

jueves, 4 de julio de 2013

Things that I'd like to learn

Today I will be write about different things that I find interesting and I'd like to learn.

I love art! I think that is a way in expressing soul's experiences and sensations. Because this, I'd like learn about art as a concept and discipline. When I exited of school I thought study "theory of art" but my interest for the psyche was greatest that my fascination for the theory art. ¿Why “theory of art” and not “art”? Because always I thought that I'm disastrous in the artistic things. I don't know draw, dancing, act, write...
I'd wish have talent in something u.u

I'd like learn sculpture, literature and painting, too photography. I think that photography   should be considerate as the eighth-art. Is magnificent the way that the technologies together the person's point of view can suspend and immortalize a moment.

In other area, a thing that I'd like learn is French. When I was little, always dreamed living in France... My mom known some words in french and she told me that learned in the school... I was wishing go to school only for learn french! But when I became to school... They only were teaching english! I was disappointed... from these years I don't liked the english...

I´d like learn French… but English is most important now. When I will leave university... I think study English and after french =)